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If you don’t yet have charts in your Phoenix app, you may want to set up ECharts with Phoenix LiveView.
Producing good datasets for charts is essential. A graph is only as good as the data it uses. Here is a collection of helpful snippets I have used to chart data.
Finding the right step size
For numerical steps, you can do a simple calculation with (end - start) / steps
to find the step size, but unless you have fixed start
and end
values, you will end up with odd numbers (e.g. 167.3998
Instead, we want to snap the steps to 1
, 2.5
, 5
(scaled to the proper size) so it reads well for the end-user. We’re using Decimal
to calculate the step size below:
defmodule MyApp.ChartUtils do
@moduledoc """
Utility functions for charts.
@doc """
Finds an appropriate numerical step size.
def step_size(min, max, steps \\ 100) do
step_size =
|> Decimal.sub(min)
|> Decimal.div(steps)
# We don't want a step size lower than `1` adjusted to the lowest value exponent
|> Decimal.max(Decimal.new(1, 1, min.exp))
# Calculating the exponent we need for our step size
pow10 = Integer.pow(10, length(Integer.digits(step_size.coef)) - 1)
exp = - 1 - Decimal.scale(step_size)
# Find the right fit in our list of step sizes to snap to
Decimal.new(1, 10 * pow10, exp),
Decimal.new(1, 25 * pow10, exp),
Decimal.new(1, 50 * pow10, exp),
Decimal.new(1, 100 * pow10, exp)
|> Enum.find(&Decimal.lte?(step_size, &1))
|> Decimal.normalize()
Tests for step_size/3
defmodule MyApp.ChartUtilsTest do
use MyApp.DataCase
alias MyApp.ChartUtils
test "step_size/3" do
assert ChartUtils.step_size(Decimal.new(1), Decimal.new(100)) == Decimal.new("1")
assert ChartUtils.step_size(Decimal.new(-100), Decimal.new(1)) == Decimal.new("2.5")
assert ChartUtils.step_size(Decimal.new(100), Decimal.new(1_000)) == Decimal.new("1E+1")
assert ChartUtils.step_size(Decimal.new(100), Decimal.new(1_000), 3) == Decimal.new("5E+2")
assert ChartUtils.step_size(Decimal.from_float(331.32), Decimal.from_float(7_893.47)) == Decimal.new("1E+2")
Usually, we don’t have a fixed time frame for our graphs. Some data may have much lower or higher time ranges than others.
One difference from numerical step sizes is that minutes, hours, and days are not 1:1 like the numerical values above, and there isn’t a good way to calculate it. We don’t think of time in base-10, but rather in terms of 5 minutes, half hours, daily, biweekly, quarterly, and so on.
Therefore, we don’t pass in the desired number of steps but simply hardcode the breakpoints for each time interval:
defmodule MyApp.ChartUtils do
# ...
@doc """
Finds an appropriate time interval.
def time_interval(begins_at, ends_at \\ nil) do
ends_at = ends_at || DateTime.utc_now()
|> DateTime.diff(begins_at, :millisecond)
|> do_time_interval()
defp do_time_interval(diff) when diff < unquote(:timer.minutes(60)), do: {:minute, 1}
defp do_time_interval(diff) when diff < unquote(:timer.hours(4)), do: {:minute, 5}
defp do_time_interval(diff) when diff < unquote(:timer.hours(12)), do: {:minute, 30}
defp do_time_interval(diff) when diff < unquote(:timer.hours(24) * 2), do: {:hour, 1}
defp do_time_interval(diff) when diff < unquote(:timer.hours(24) * 3), do: {:hour, 6}
defp do_time_interval(_diff), do: {:day, 1}
You will need to adjust it to your specific use case, as these time intervals are context-dependent. The above example is used for running events where, after a few days, you want to see daily intervals even though it only produces three data points.
With the above, we can now use the interval for grouping in our Ecto query:
defmodule MyApp.Records do
alias MyApp.{Records.Record, Repo}
import Ecto.Query
def list_record_counts_over_time(time_interval) do
|> group_by([r], fragment("timestamp"))
|> select([r], %{
timestamp: fragment("date_bin(?, ?, 'epoch') as timestamp", ^to_interval(time_interval), r.inserted_at),
count: count(r.id)
|> order_by([r], asc: fragment("timestamp"))
|> Repo.all()
defp to_interval({:minute, n}), do: %Postgrex.Interval{secs: n * 60}
defp to_interval({:hour, n}), do: %Postgrex.Interval{secs: n * 60 * 60}
defp to_interval({:day, n}), do: %Postgrex.Interval{days: n}
Tests for time_interval/2
and list_record_counts_over_time/1
defmodule MyApp.ChartUtilsTest do
# ...
test "time_interval/2" do
now = DateTime.utc_now()
assert ChartUtils.time_interval(now) == {:minute, 1}
assert ChartUtils.time_interval(now, DateTime.add(now, -1, :hour)) == {:minute, 1}
assert ChartUtils.time_interval(DateTime.add(now, -1, :hour)) == {:minute, 5}
assert ChartUtils.time_interval(DateTime.add(now, -365, :day)) == {:day, 1}
defmodule MyApp.RecordsTest do
use MyApp.DataCase
alias MyApp.{Records, Records.Record, Repo}
test "list_record_counts_over_time/1" do
beginning_of_day = %{DateTime.utc_now() | hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, microsecond: {0, 6}}
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -2, :day)})
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :day)})
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :hour)})
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :minute)})
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: beginning_of_day})
assert [count_1, count_2, count_3] = Records.list_record_counts_over_time({:day, 1})
assert count_1.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.beginning_of_day(NaiveDateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -2, :day))
assert count_1.count == 1
assert count_2.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.beginning_of_day(NaiveDateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :day))
assert count_2.count == 3
assert count_3.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.beginning_of_day(beginning_of_day)
assert count_3.count == 1
defp record_fixture(attrs) do
|> struct!(attrs)
|> Repo.insert!()
Ecto with PostgreSQL makes it easy to calculate summarizations such as p-values when querying values over time:
defmodule MyApp.Records do
# ...
def list_record_percentiles_over_time(time_interval) do
|> select([r], %{
ended_at: r.ended_at,
duration: fragment("extract(epoch from ? - ?)", r.ended_at, r.began_at),
|> subquery()
|> from()
|> group_by([r], [fragment("timestamp")])
|> select([r], %{
timestamp: fragment("date_bin(?, ?, 'epoch') as timestamp", ^to_interval(time_interval), r.ended_at),
min: min(r.duration),
p25: type(fragment("percentile_cont (0.25) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ?)", r.duration), :decimal),
p50: type(fragment("percentile_cont (0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ?)", r.duration), :decimal),
p75: type(fragment("percentile_cont (0.75) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ?)", r.duration), :decimal),
max: max(r.duration)
|> order_by([r], asc: fragment("timestamp"))
|> Repo.all()
Tests for time_interval/2
and list_record_counts_over_time/1
defmodule MyApp.RecordsTest do
use MyApp.DataCase
# ...
test "list_record_percentiles_over_time/1" do
beginning_of_day = %{DateTime.utc_now() | hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, microsecond: {0, 6}}
record_fixture(%{began_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -2, :day), ended_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :day)})
record_fixture(%{began_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -2, :day), ended_at: beginning_of_day})
record_fixture(%{began_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :day), ended_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, 12, :hour)})
assert [precentile_1, precentile_2] = Records.list_record_percentiles_over_time({:day, 1})
assert precentile_1.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :day)
assert Decimal.eq?(precentile_1.min, 60 * 60 * 24)
assert Decimal.eq?(precentile_1.max, 60 * 60 * 24)
assert precentile_2.timestamp == DateTime.to_naive(beginning_of_day)
assert Decimal.eq?(precentile_2.min, 60 * 60 * 36)
assert Decimal.eq?(precentile_2.max, 60 * 60 * 48)
assert Decimal.eq?(precentile_2.p25, 60 * 60 * 39)
assert Decimal.eq?(precentile_2.p50, 60 * 60 * 42)
assert Decimal.eq?(precentile_2.p75, 60 * 60 * 45)
Filling the gaps
It is common to experience gaps in your data with the above queries. This is not a problem for all charts, but for continuous charts like line charts, you’ll need to fill them in.
You have two options:
1. Use series generation in the PostgreSQL query
You’ll need to fetch the minimum and maximum values before you can generate the series:
defmodule MyApp.Records do
# ...
def list_record_counts_over_time(time_interval) do
interval = to_interval(time_interval)
|> select([r], %{min: min(r.inserted_at), max: max(r.inserted_at)})
|> Repo.one()
|> case do
nil ->
%{min: min, max: max} ->
query =
|> group_by([r], fragment("timestamp"))
|> select([r], %{
timestamp: fragment("date_bin(?, ?, 'epoch')", ^interval, r.inserted_at),
count: count(r.id)
fragment("GENERATE_SERIES(?::timestamp, ?::timestamp, ?::interval)", ^min, ^max, ^interval)
|> select([s], %{timestamp: fragment("DATE_BIN(?, ?::timestamp, 'epoch')", ^interval, s)})
|> subquery()
|> join(:left, [s], r in subquery(query), on: s.timestamp == r.timestamp)
|> order_by([s], asc: s.timestamp)
|> select([s, r], %{
timestamp: s.timestamp,
count: coalesce(r.count, 0)
|> Repo.all()
Tests for list_record_counts_over_time/1
defmodule MyApp.RecordsTest do
use MyApp.DataCase
# ...
test "list_record_counts_over_time/1" do
assert Records.list_record_counts_over_time({:day, 1}) == []
beginning_of_day = %{DateTime.utc_now() | hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, microsecond: {0, 6}}
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -3, :day)})
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :day)})
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :hour)})
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :minute)})
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: beginning_of_day})
assert [count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4] = Records.list_record_counts_over_time_2({:day, 1})
assert count_1.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.beginning_of_day(NaiveDateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -3, :day))
assert count_1.count == 1
assert count_2.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.beginning_of_day(NaiveDateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -2, :day))
assert count_2.count == 0
assert count_3.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.beginning_of_day(NaiveDateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :day))
assert count_3.count == 3
assert count_4.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.beginning_of_day(beginning_of_day)
assert count_4.count == 1
It’ll be the similar process for numeric steps, but you must ensure the upper and lower boundaries as otherwise the steps may start at odd number (e.g. 435.43
, 535.43
, 635.43
). I’m also guarding against extreme tail end by collecting p99 as a max, and including anything above the p99 in the last step.
defmodule MyApp.Records do
alias MyApp.ChartUtils
# ...
def list_record_value_distribution(steps \\ 100) do
|> select([r], %{
min: min(r.value),
max: max(r.value),
p99: type(fragment("percentile_cont (0.99) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ?)", r.value), :decimal)
|> Repo.one()
|> case do
%{min: nil, max: nil} ->
%{min: min, max: max, p99: p99} ->
step_size = ChartUtils.step_size(min, p99, steps)
floor_min = lower_bound(min, step_size)
ceil_max = upper_bound(max, step_size)
floor_p99 = lower_bound(p99, step_size)
fragment("GENERATE_SERIES(?::numeric, ?::numeric, ?::numeric)", ^floor_min, ^floor_p99, ^step_size)
|> select([s], %{
min: fragment("?", s),
# We want to ensure that the last step includes everything beyond p99
max: fragment("CASE WHEN ? = ? THEN ? ELSE ? + ? END", s, ^floor_p99, ^ceil_max, s, ^step_size)
|> subquery()
|> join(:left, [s], r in Record, on: r.value >= s.min and r.value < s.max)
|> group_by([s], [s.min, s.max])
|> order_by([s], asc: s.min)
|> select([s, r], %{
min: s.min,
max: s.max,
count: count(r.id)
|> Repo.all()
defp lower_bound(value, step_size), do: Decimal.sub(value, Decimal.rem(value, step_size))
defp upper_bound(value, step_size), do: Decimal.add(lower_bound(value, step_size), step_size)
Tests for list_record_value_distribution/1
defmodule MyApp.RecordsTest do
use MyApp.DataCase
# ...
test "list_record_counts_over_time/1" do
assert Records.list_record_counts_over_time({:day, 1}) == []
beginning_of_day = %{DateTime.utc_now() | hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, microsecond: {0, 6}}
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -3, :day)})
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :day)})
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :hour)})
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: DateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :minute)})
record_fixture(%{inserted_at: beginning_of_day})
assert [count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4] = Records.list_record_counts_over_time_2({:day, 1})
assert count_1.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.beginning_of_day(NaiveDateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -3, :day))
assert count_1.count == 1
assert count_2.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.beginning_of_day(NaiveDateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -2, :day))
assert count_2.count == 0
assert count_3.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.beginning_of_day(NaiveDateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :day))
assert count_3.count == 3
assert count_4.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.beginning_of_day(beginning_of_day)
assert count_4.count == 1
test "list_record_value_distribution/1" do
assert Records.list_record_value_distribution() == []
for _ <- 1..100, do: record_fixture(%{value: 3})
record_fixture(%{value: Decimal.new("1.1")})
record_fixture(%{value: Decimal.new("1.2")})
record_fixture(%{value: 3})
record_fixture(%{value: 5})
record_fixture(%{value: Decimal.new("10.5")})
record_fixture(%{value: 10_000})
[value_1, value_2, value_3 | rest] = Records.list_record_value_distribution(10)
value_10 = List.last(rest)
assert length(rest) == 7
assert value_1.count == 2
assert value_1.min == Decimal.new("1.0")
assert value_1.max == Decimal.new("2.0")
assert value_2.count == 0
assert value_2.min == Decimal.new("2.0")
assert value_2.max == Decimal.new("3.0")
assert value_3.count == 101
assert value_3.min == Decimal.new("3.0")
assert value_3.max == Decimal.new("4.0")
assert value_10.count == 2
assert value_10.min == Decimal.new("10.0")
assert value_10.max == Decimal.new("10001")
2. Fill in using Elixir
The second way is to just fill it with Elixir. Assuming the list is always sorted in ascending order you can simply iterate through it and fill in the missing data:
defmodule MyApp.ChartUtils do
# ...
def fill_gaps([], _), do: []
def fill_gaps([el], _), do: [el]
def fill_gaps([first | list], {unit, amount}) do
{data, _} =
Enum.reduce(list, {[first], first.timestamp}, fn data, {acc, prev_timestamp} ->
acc ++ gen_empty_range(prev_timestamp, data.timestamp, unit, amount) ++ [data],
defp gen_empty_range(from, till, unit, amount, acc \\ []) do
case NaiveDateTime.add(from, amount, unit) do
^till -> acc
timestamp -> acc ++ gen_empty_range(timestamp, till, unit, amount, [%{timestamp: timestamp, count: 0}])
Tests for fill_gaps/2
defmodule MyApp.ChartUtilsTest do
use MyApp.DataCase
# ...
test "fill_gaps/2" do
beginning_of_day = NaiveDateTime.beginning_of_day(DateTime.utc_now())
counts = [
first = %{timestamp: NaiveDateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -3, :day), count: 1},
%{timestamp: NaiveDateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -1, :day), count: 3},
%{timestamp: beginning_of_day, count: 2}
assert ChartUtils.fill_gaps([], {:day, 1}) == []
assert ChartUtils.fill_gaps([first], {:day, 1}) == [first]
assert [^first, gap, _, _] = ChartUtils.fill_gaps(counts, {:day, 1})
assert gap.timestamp == NaiveDateTime.add(beginning_of_day, -2, :day)
assert gap.count == 0
assert length(ChartUtils.fill_gaps(counts, {:hour, 12})) == 7
Wrap up
There are no one solution for charts, which is why you see so many charting libraries. The same goes for the dataset used for charts. The reason is that the charts/data needs context to have meaning. This post gives you ideas of how to deal with aggregation and data transformation, but you’ll have to find the best presentation for your data by experimenting.
I may add more code snippets to this in the future. Happy coding!
Hi, I'm Dan Schultzer, I write in this blog, work a lot in Elixir, maintain several open source projects, and help companies streamline their development process